Sunday, November 18, 2007


Last Wednesday, Miss Thang clocked in at 16 lbs, 3 oz. I celebrate every ounce because she will need them when she starts crawling. I remember when Arun began crawling and his weight pretty much stalled for the next 3 months, which freaked me out. That was when I really needed the lactation consultant and her constant assurances that Arun was fine, just fine.

One thing I feel compelled to discuss are bowel movements. Generally, I avoid these discussions because hello! BORING. However, Anjali's frequency of BM is so radically different than Arun's that I am still having a hard time not worrying. Arun had a stool about every day, often several times a day. He had very few blowouts and occasionally a leak here and there. However, my precious girl? Has a stool about once a week. Truly. No joke. No exaggeration. Once a week. At first, it was a constant source of worry for me. I am finally okay with it and have accepted that this is just her body's way of dealing. I am posting about this specifically to assure other parents in this boat that yes, breastfeeding babies can only have stools once a week. It is perfectly okay as long as the baby is not straining as if constipated and if the consistency/color seem normal.

However, it is very frustrating because we are at a point where nearly every single BM is a blowout that leads to a Clothing Catastrophe. Particularly, if she is in the carseat Oh My God...... When we are home, I can usually jump to the rescue and prevent such fashion tragedies.

Overall, I am tired of throwing away perfectly good outfits.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Doesn't Miss a Meal

Today, we had Anjali's 4 month appointment - she weighs 15 lbs, 9 oz and is about 25.5 inches. All of that came from me and my girls. We did that!

However, I feel it should be clear that I am not proud that I breastfeed exclusively. I am relieved....... grateful.....appreciative. With my life situation as it is, breastfeeding is much more convenient and economic. Formula would be a hardship in many ways for us. So, I do consider it a sort of gift that my body stepped up to the plate and did what biology had figured out in its grand plan. Um, not only that, but that I have no other reasons not to breastfeed.

Today, at the doctor's office, I saw the receptionist who is due this Friday with her first baby. Folks, when you have your children a mere 20 months apart, you get to know the kindly sort of people at your doctor's office quite well. This receptionist has been a total sweetie to me these past 2 years, and in particular recently with paying special attention to Arun during some difficult appointments when I was pregnant with Anjali. I love this gal, J, and have been excitedly following her own pregnancy. A few weeks back, I dropped off a small gift because I was anxious that she might have the baby before Anjali's appointment this week.

So, on Wednesday all was fine with J - she is very tired and very ready for her son to just get here already. That day while in the office, I mentioned that our hospital has a breastfeeding support group and that I do attend it - if she wanted to attend it also, I will be there. She told me that she would only get to breastfeed for the first 2 days because she has multiple sclerosis. As it was, it is a miracle her baby is okay because she got pregnant while on the medication she normally takes for the MS. She will not be able to breastfeed because of that medication.

It was a moment that gave me pause because I do take breastfeeding for granted. And J just happened to remind me that it would not hurt me to be a little thankful.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It is YOU?

Anju has started this thing the past week where she will pull off while nursing, look around, and then notice me. Her face is a mix of amusement, amazement and fascination. As if she only just realized I have been the Gal Behind the Boobs all this time.

In other news, there are articles abounding on the gene that links Breastfeeding to IQ - apparently, a specific gene can allow for better metabolism of fatty acids in the breastmilk.
The gene in question helps break down fatty acids from the diet, which have been linked with brain development. Seven points difference is enough to put the child in the top third of the class, the researchers said.

In the past people have had different results about whether breastfeeding improves IQ and this would sort out the reason why. Some 90% of people carry the version of the gene which was associated with better IQ scores in breastfed children.

I thought this was simply interesting. That is all. Of course, now it is allowing for snarky comments via the comments section of the article - comments such as "More scare tactics! Breastfeeding isn't for every woman and in fact some babies get on better with a bottle."

I am not breastfeeding in the hopes that I get granted a little Baby Einstein. I am breastfeeding to simply feed my baby. It is free, healthy and it is formulated just for her.

That is a no-brainer to me. Of course, I was formula-fed. Whatever.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I Suspect There Has Been a Coverup

Yet again, a nursing mother has been harassed for not covering while breastfeeding.
Cheryl Cruz, who as of Friday was still on vacation in Florida, said she took her children, including her 10-month-old daughter, Kalli, to Universal on Wednesday when she was approached by an employee. "We were just in the park sitting down and I was breast-feeding Kalli, and a park employee came over and said to me I have to cover up or I will be escorted out of Universal Studios," Cruz said. Cruz said a group of security guards surrounded her and she felt scared, humiliated and belittled.

I think long-time readers will remember that I used to be an advocate of covering up. "Cover thyself", I used to preach. Then, I went on to give birth to my 2nd child and ultimately, my brain. Having a baby in July meant that half the time, I forgot to pack a light blanket whenever I left the house. And I also quickly realized that covering with a blanket IN JULY actually brought more attention to me. I also realized that even while whipping out my maternal goods to feed my baby, I was still more covered up than most of the pretty young things prancing around in bikini tops, tank tops and shortie short shorts.

Besides, what kind of freak covers up with a blanket in JULY? Not me.

Anymore, that is.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Pump and Dump Slump

Yesterday, I actually considered doing a Pump n' Dump for a malt.

Yes, you read that correctly. A malt. A vanilla malt, preferably.

Dairy, Greek gyros, and even my beloved Thai lhad na ga pow simply tears my baby girl up. I sort of feel sorry for her, but I also feel sorry for me. I would love to take advantage of these extra calories I am burning and treat myself to a freakin' malt.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

There is No Truth in Numbers

As this article suggests, it may be that breastfeeding does not cause your girls to sag, after all. According to a study presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Plastic Surgery 2007 conference in Baltimore:

"Many women who come in for breast surgery tell us their breasts are sagging, drooping or are less full because they breastfed," said Brian Rinker, MD, ASPS Member Surgeon and study author. "Although the amount of sagging in the breasts appears to increase with each pregnancy, we've found that breastfeeding does not worsen the effect."

The study examined 93 women who were pregnant one or more times prior to having cosmetic breast surgery. Fifty-eight percent of patients reported breastfeeding one or more of their children. The duration of breastfeeding ranged from 2 to 25 months, with an average of nine months. Fifty-five percent of respondents reported an adverse change in the shape of their breasts following pregnancy.

As the first study to examine what impacts breast shape in connection to pregnancy, plastic surgeons found that a history of breastfeeding, the number of children breastfed, the duration of each child's breastfeeding, or the amount of weight gained during pregnancy were not significant predictors for losing breast shape. However, body mass index (BMI), the number of pregnancies, a larger pre-pregnancy bra size, smoking history, and age were significant risk factors for an increased degree of breast sagging.

Frankly, I was not particularly impressed with a study of 93 women. That seems hardly indicative of a population size.
Truthfully, I do not care if I become a bit of a saggy hag after I am done with the breastfeeding business.