Friday, April 27, 2007


I've been very humbled by all the nice comments this week regarding my supposed "open-mindedness" and "non-judgmental" posts. Thank you - I am really excited by the variety and diversity of the comments I've gotten so far! Unfortunately, I can't claim to not be critical, although I do try to not be critical. And it's hard. Back in my cushy days of Armchair Parenting, before I actually had a child myself, I had lots of opinions. LOADS of 'em. And as such, I merrily dispensed advice to my friends as they had children. Co-sleeping was for the devil! Children should be weaned at 12 months - sharp! Ferber ruled! Formula was poison! Love and Logic was LOGICAL! Children should always obey their parents - don't give in! Then, I had a child myself and had to totally rethink EVERYTHING. And I'm still rethinking it and am basically flying by the seat of my pants now.

Sometimes, I am downright embarrassed when I recall some of the past comments I made regarding parenting and in particular, breastfeeding. I guess the upside is that apparently, I DO have the ability to admit when I was wrong and am capable of change. And that should stand for something. Maybe. Perhaps. Hopefully.

A few weeks back, while discussing our daughter-to-be, my husband said "Well, at least this time around we'll know what to do." I just chuckled to myself and let him smoke away on his little pipe dream all the while knowing that our daughter will probably throw just as many curve balls at us as our son did.

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